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  • Praseeda Sreedharan

Living A Life Of Passion Beyond Career Goals

Ikigai - how stillness can help you in this journey

For years, I wandered through life without a clear sense of direction. Like many, I grappled with the age-old question: What is my purpose? It wasn't until I stumbled upon the concept of Ikigai – the Japanese philosophy of finding one's reason for being – that everything changed. 

My journey towards discovering my Ikigai was not a straightforward one. It took me over 15 years of soul-searching, self-reflection, and countless detours along the way. But once I uncovered it, there was no looking back.

I vividly remember the moment of clarity that washed over me. It was as if a light had been switched on in the darkest corner of my mind. Suddenly, everything made sense. My passions, my strengths, my values – they all aligned perfectly, converging into a single point of purpose.

But getting to that point wasn't easy. It required delving deep into the depths of my soul, confronting fears and insecurities, and peeling back the layers of societal expectations and external pressures. It meant daring to ask myself the tough questions: What truly brings me joy? What am I naturally good at? What does the world need from me? What can I be paid for?

Each question was like a breadcrumb leading me closer to my Ikigai. And with each step, I felt more empowered, more alive, more connected to something greater than myself.

One of the most important things I have learned is that Ikigai is not just about finding a job or a career, but it is about discovering the essence of who you are and why you exist. It is about leading a life of purpose and significance, where every action is done with intention and every moment is filled with passion.

Now, as I look back on my journey, I feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Gratitude for the struggles that shaped me, for the challenges that strengthened me, and for the moments of clarity that illuminated my path.

I urge you, my dear reader, to begin your own journey of self-discovery. Take the time to discover your passions, uncover your strengths, and define your values. I repeat YOUR values, NOT what you think the world needs to hear or your friends will approve of. Dare to ask yourself the tough questions, and listen attentively to the whispers of your heart.

For within you lies a treasure waiting to be unearthed – your Ikigai. And once you find it, there will be no looking back. Your Ikigai awaits.

Praseeda Sreedharan.

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