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  • Praseeda Sreedharan

Want to Quit Your Job? These are some signs to look out for...

"Have you ever found yourself questioning whether your 9-5 corporate job is truly serving you? Wondering if there's more to life than the daily grind, the endless meetings, and the mounting stress? Trust me, I've been there. I've asked myself those same questions countless times. What was I going through in that corporate job? What finally pushed me to take the leap and leave it all behind? These are the questions that keep popping up in my inbox, and I get it – I've been in your shoes. If you're someone who's craving more meaning, more satisfaction, more fulfilment from your work, then read on....

Unable to find meaning in the work

I couldn’t find a meaning to my job, as in a deeper meaning to what I am doing. Who will be affected if I don't do this job? Don’t get me wrong every job, every role is important and no work is worthless. After a decade of working and having made a decent financial backup, I stopped seeing the impact of my work on real people, and it lacked the purpose, that I was looking for at the time.

Not caring about work anymore

You know, it's funny how our enthusiasm for something we used to love can just fade away over time. I remember waking up each morning feeling like I was dragging myself out of bed, dreading the day ahead. The spark I once had for my work had fizzled out, leaving me feeling like I was just going through the motions.

I realized that I had stopped caring about the challenges and issues that used to drive me to find solutions. It was almost like I had become numb to the whole experience. And when you stop caring, that's when you know something's not right. I mean, work is such a huge part of our lives, isn't it? If you're not feeling excited to dive into it every day, then what's the point?

So, if you're finding yourself in a similar situation, where the thought of work fills you with dread rather than excitement, it might be time to reassess your path. Listen to that inner voice telling you that there's more out there for you. Trust me, it's never too late to make a change and pursue something that truly ignites your passion.

Not reaching full potential

For me, that feeling of being stuck in a rut was a clear indicator that I wasn't reaching my full potential in my corporate job. I knew deep down that I had skills and talents that weren't being fully utilized. Instead of feeling challenged and motivated to push myself further, I found myself coasting along, settling for mediocrity.

It's easy to get comfortable in a job that provides a steady paycheck and a sense of security. But if you're constantly feeling like you're capable of achieving so much more, then it's worth exploring why that is. Perhaps it's because your true calling lies elsewhere, in a field where you can fully unleash your talents and make a real impact.

I realized that staying in a job where I wasn't reaching my full potential was holding me back from pursuing my true passion. And that realization was the catalyst for me to finally take the leap and pursue a career that aligned with my strengths and interests.

This can happen when you are not using your skill/passion at your job. My skills or passion were something and I was doing something else, which brings me to my next point.

Not using your skill/passion at your job

You see, I've always had a passion for creating, whether its content or an art work. But instead of pursuing that passion, I found myself stuck in a job that didn't allow me to fully utilize those skills or explore that passion.

It's like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole – no matter how hard you try, it's just not going to work. And the longer you try to force it, the more you start to feel like you're losing a part of yourself in the process.

For me, the turning point came when I realized that I was sacrificing my true passion and potential for the sake of a paycheck. I knew that if I continued down that path, I would always wonder "What if?" What if I had followed my passion instead of settling for a job that didn't fulfil me?

Craving for autonomy and independence

You see, I'm someone who thrives when given the freedom to take ownership of my work and make decisions based on my judgment and expertise. But in my corporate job, I felt like I was constantly being micromanaged, with little room for creativity or autonomy.

I had to blindly follow processes and adhere to strict guidelines, even if I knew there was a better way of doing things. And don't even get me started on the endless feedback loops – it felt like my every move was being scrutinized and critiqued, leaving me feeling suffocated and demotivated.

I knew deep down that I needed more control over my work to perform at my best. I craved the freedom to innovate and experiment, to take risks and learn from my mistakes without fear of repercussion. But in my corporate job, that kind of autonomy was simply non-existent.

So, I made the decision to leave behind the corporate world and pursue a path where I could be unapologetically myself. And let me tell you, it was the best decision I ever made. No longer bound by the expectations of others, I finally feel free to embrace my true nature and live life on my own terms.

But let me say this, quitting a corporate job isn't a decision to rush into; it's a big step that requires careful consideration. But as someone who's been there, I know the weight of those moments when you're feeling lost in your career.

I've learned that paying attention to those signs – the lack of purpose, the feeling of not reaching your potential, the craving for autonomy, the struggle to be yourself – they're all whispers from your heart, nudging you to pay attention. They're reminders that your happiness matters, and that your dreams are worth pursuing.

So, take a moment to listen to your inner voice. Trust your instincts. While it might not mean quitting your job right away, it could mean starting to explore new possibilities or having honest conversations about what you need in your current role.

Ultimately, your journey is yours to navigate. But remember, you deserve to feel fulfilled and authentic in your work. And sometimes, acknowledging those signs is the first step towards creating a life that truly resonates with who you are.

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