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Not the what, but the how.

How many times have you thought of doing something and later shelved it just because your "heart said otherwise"? I have, certainly more time than I would like to admit. For 10 years or so, I kept telling myself than I cant do anything creative, I am not a creative person and I am meant to be someone who can follow instructions and execute ideas. I am not the entrepreneurial type; they can because they are...

A particularly low point in my career forced me to evaluate all the things I am doing and am not doing. I started keenly observing successful people around me, and whenever I got a chance I did take a peak at the back end of their workings. To my surprise the majority of what I saw was all mess, I saw disappointments, I saw failures and set backs. The magical product that I when looking for never existed until their last attempt! And to say that all good things were achieved in one iteration would be grossly stupid of me.

Basically, instead of looking at WHAT they are producing, I started looking at th HOW they did it. Looking at it from this new lens definitely gave me an insider perspective. It made them more human. It made their achievements more of a result of hardwork and less of their "charm".

Once I had seen this there was no looking back. It was the first domino that had to fall, everything else started falling in place, well more or less.

Do I still have demons to fight? Yes. But do I fight with myself? Not any more...

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