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  • Praseeda Sreedharan

A Call to Address Stress in Our Young Ones: A Teacher's Reflection on Stress Management

In the quiet aftermath of a transformative training session with my fellow teachers, I find myself reflecting on the profound responsibility we carry as guardians of the hearts and minds of the little souls entrusted to our care.

As educators, we are not just purveyors of academic knowledge; we are the architects of an environment that shapes the emotional landscape of young minds. My work in a recent workshop on stress management for children left an indelible mark on my perspective, prompting me to ponder the significance of addressing stress from the very inception of a child's journey.

Students are stressed fout more than ever. We as teachers need to be vigilant and understand the signs of stress in our students.

Years ago, as I stepped into my classroom, I witnessed the boundless energy and unfiltered curiosity that radiates from my students. However, beneath those innocent smiles, there was a vulnerability that demanded my attention. Wouldn't every teacher face that every day? This workshop underscored the importance of recognizing the signs of stress in these young souls, a revelation that struck a chord deep within me.

Why teachers in stress management?

Our children are not immune to the complexities of the world. They absorb the energy around them, mirroring our highs and lows. The realization that stress can seep into their hearts at such tender ages is a call to action. It beckons us, as educators and caregivers, to become the architects of resilience, compassion, and emotional well-being.

As I put together strategies on creating a supportive classroom environment, fostering open communication, and teaching stress reduction techniques, I was trying to emphasise that our role extends beyond textbooks and lesson plans. It's about creating a sanctuary where a child feels seen, heard, and valued.

The need to address stress in children is not merely an academic concern; it's a moral imperative. It requires a delicate dance of empathy and understanding. We must be attuned to the subtle whispers of their struggles and offer solace, just as we celebrate their victories.

Journey ahead for teachers

In the days that follow, my trainees pledged to be vigilant, to look beyond the surface of academic progress and delve into the emotional worlds of their students. It's a commitment to weave a tapestry of emotional intelligence, where the threads of compassion and resilience are intertwined with the fabric of learning.

In addressing stress from the roots, we embark on a journey of shaping resilient hearts. For in the gentle corridors of our classrooms, we are not just nurturing the intellect; we are cultivating the very essence of what it means to be human. And in doing so, we gift our little ones the tools they need to navigate the intricate tapestry of life with grace and courage.

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